Productivity Tips for Developers
July 21, 2019
Recently, I have started to think about the limited time we have on earth and how we spend it. Most of us have to work everyday or get things done to feel fulfilled. Once we are in the flow of getting things done, it has a snowball effect.
I had a chance to look for the things that I took granted for year with different lens. This is a living document and I will update it by time.
VSCode and Vim
VSCode as a Vim editor Installing Vim in VSCode and Your First Baby Steps in Vim Vim like its 1999 VIM & Visual Studio Code Tips & Tricks (With Video / GIF)
VSCode Specific Commands
gc5j toggle comment
Repeat keys
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Shortcuts ## Google Search
Oguzhan Murat Cakmak, starting his software career in Istanbul and advancing through roles in San Francisco at Uber and Hims&Hers, now does remote work from Kaş, Antalya, balancing his passion for technology with interests in kitesurfing, diving, hiking, and exploring diverse content on podcasts. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram